
I will soon be looking to hire my first few employees. What would you look for in an employer?

I'm a very small business, we are expanding slowly but surely. I am looking to hire my first few employees and the most important thing to me is morale and paying them what they're worth/valuing them. I also believe the owner should be present much of the time, doing events for the company, and never ever be above cleaning or taking out the trash. I communicate very quickly and effectively. Anything else you would appreciate as an employee?

I'm a very small business, we are expanding slowly but surely. I am looking to hire my first few employees and the most important thing to me is morale and paying them what they're worth/valuing them. I also believe the owner should be present much of the time, doing events for the company, and never ever be above cleaning or taking out the trash. I communicate very quickly and effectively.

Anything else you would appreciate as an employee?

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