
I wish employers has the same sense of urgency they expect from workers

I just started my first day at a new job yesterday. It's working in a lab. My recruiter told me to arrive at 9, bring my I-9 documents and they would get me set up for everything else. I arrive early to make a good impression. Didn't know what to wear so I dressed business casual only to find out theres nk real dress code and everyones in jeans and t shirts. This guy from HR gives me my training folder and has me sign some stuff. Gives me a tour of the lab and most of the tour is “this is X lab, I don't really know what they do here because I'm HR”. After that they sit me down at a computer for a ton of training modules. Couldn't log in for the longest time because they spelled my name wrong. Brought it up to my super visor…

I just started my first day at a new job yesterday. It's working in a lab. My recruiter told me to arrive at 9, bring my I-9 documents and they would get me set up for everything else.

I arrive early to make a good impression. Didn't know what to wear so I dressed business casual only to find out theres nk real dress code and everyones in jeans and t shirts.

This guy from HR gives me my training folder and has me sign some stuff. Gives me a tour of the lab and most of the tour is “this is X lab, I don't really know what they do here because I'm HR”.

After that they sit me down at a computer for a ton of training modules. Couldn't log in for the longest time because they spelled my name wrong. Brought it up to my super visor who said he would get it changed. Got it corrected for logging in but it's still incorrect on my profile.

I was suppose to have access to a shared drive with things like training resources and employee handbook and I was never granted access.

I had to print out some documents to sign and an HR lady was in the area and when she tried to help she noticed I also don't have access to the printer.

Technically my shift is suppose to be until 5pm. At like 430 the original HR guy comes in and asks me if I have my badge to which I say no. I also don't have access to email or Teams to contact anyone and have no idea about things like sick time, how to clock in and out, anything.

HR guy tells me to go see the site manager about my badge. Go to her and she said she forgot to print it out but will give it and parking permit today.

I still don't know if I'm suppose to be released at 5 so I go to ask my supervisor only to find out he has already left. He was sitting behind my all day and didn't even say or ask if there was anything I needed before just leaving.

It was 4:50pm and I was the only one really in the office and so I walked around and everyone already left. So I packed up and just left and was one of the last people to leave the building.

Did not leave a great impression on me for thr first day and if an employee didn't have stuff ready to go or was organized poorly or left early we would be absolutely shit on by management.

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