
I won’t be using Frontier Airlines – The CEO’s rant

The CEO of Frontier Airlines apparently had an anti-telecommuting stance, blaming it on his companies problems, and went on to complain he has to hire more people because the ones he has are all lazy….due to telecommuting? I didn't know ramp agents or flight attendants worked from home, but if this is the caliber of leadership their company has, why should the public he just insulted use his company other another? I could write 16 pages about the issues here, but I wonder, who is the CEO that made Frontier an ULCC versus the Jetblue of the west as I heard it called before? CEO says people got lazy from working from home (although you can work anywhere, I see in office people working in public all of the time). Frontier Airlines CEO Barry Biffle criticized working from home while speaking at Morgan Stanley's Laguna Conference this week, saying the…

The CEO of Frontier Airlines apparently had an anti-telecommuting stance, blaming it on his companies problems, and went on to complain he has to hire more people because the ones he has are all lazy….due to telecommuting? I didn't know ramp agents or flight attendants worked from home, but if this is the caliber of leadership their company has, why should the public he just insulted use his company other another?

I could write 16 pages about the issues here, but I wonder, who is the CEO that made Frontier an ULCC versus the Jetblue of the west as I heard it called before?

CEO says people got lazy from working from home (although you can work anywhere, I see in office people working in public all of the time).

Frontier Airlines CEO Barry Biffle criticized working from home while speaking at Morgan Stanley's Laguna Conference this week, saying the pandemic made people lazy and that workers have gotten less productive as a result.

“This isn't just a Frontier thing, this is society-wide,” Biffle said. “We got lazy in COVID. I mean seriously, people are still allowing people to work from home, all this silliness, right? All that's out the window. So we need to get people back in the office.”

Domestic airlines like Frontier have been facing headwinds as demand for international travel has outpaced domestic travel this year.

So, it's not that people work at home, it's that they're not wasting time and resources traveling around the country and are using the phone and internet instead???

Biffle blamed lower productivity for higher overhead costs for the airline, and said that it was a problem across companies.

“When we look at overhead versus 2019 adjusted for capacity, it's up dramatically,” Biffle said. “Why do I have more people per plane in overhead than I had in 2019? It's because they're not as productive. We're not alone in this, you hear every company out there talking about the productivity challenges. Enough! We're going to focus on it.”

Is he talking about his ramp agents who aren't working from home? BTW, I've never had a job where they didn't keep adding on little things to do here and there and making them part of the job. My work always feels like it literally doubles and the last guy had it good within the first year. I wonder how many little things were added in over 4 years. Is this a company where measuring your carry-ons more strict than 4 years ago? That's extra work. Etc. Upper level management complaining about operations and not taking into account what's happened in ops, and calling everyone lazy……for “working from home”? This is so lazy it's literally unhinged.

There's your internal customers (employees), and then there are customers. It's ashame, I thought I heard they were kid friendly too which is somewhat rare in the skies. I'm not sure I've ever been so annoyed by a CEO I hae no connection to before.

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