
I work at a grocery store and my manager told me I won’t be getting a raise, the last manager said i would.

I’ve worked at this job for 2.5 years. They give raises once a year and i’ve only gotten one raise the entire time working, of .75 cents. We got a new general manager about a month after my last review. When i got this first raise, I was told that considering how hard i work i would be put up again for another raise in 6 months. Before my manager switched locations i asked her if she could make a note for the new manager so that i would be up for review even with her gone , considering she’s making an acceptation that normally isn’t made i wanted to be sure there was no miscommunication. this is my money that we’re talking about and i already make not even enough to live alone. (i live in dc and make a little over $15 an hour) Raises are this month,…

I’ve worked at this job for 2.5 years. They give raises once a year and i’ve only gotten one raise the entire time working, of .75 cents.

We got a new general manager about a month after my last review. When i got this first raise, I was told that considering how hard i work i would be put up again for another raise in 6 months. Before my manager switched locations i asked her if she could make a note for the new manager so that i would be up for review
even with her gone
, considering she’s making an acceptation that normally isn’t made i wanted to be sure there was no miscommunication. this is my money that we’re talking about and i already make not even enough to live alone. (i live in dc and make a little over $15 an hour)

Raises are this month, i asked my new general manager if i was on the list of those eligible for raises and she said no. My old manager never put me on the list. She didn’t even offer to email her to confirm i should be on the list she was just going to leave it at that until i asked if i could contact our old gm to see what happened, she didn’t seem to care at all.

My co worker/close friend said i should just leave it alone and wait till next year, he said that it’s not fair that our old general manager even offered that. But I’m not okay with just letting this go!. i work my ass off and the person who told me to “leave it alone” has gotten three raises and worked here a few months after i did. I can admit they work harder than most but i work hard as well. i don’t know what to do.

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