
I work at an abbey and i h8 the abbot

So i work for a development office in an abbey doing fundraising, and I am sick of the priests who are not my boss asking me to do things and also calling me a secretary. I only really like the ladies I work with. They understand how bad the patriarchy is in this space, but they are older ladies and resigned to the way things are. but worst of all… i hate the abbot He looks like the kind of person that, like whose face I should be peeling off to reveal a demon, and I hate his voice and he wears these weird sandals and has the personality of a wet blanket and has no idea what’s going on ever andI hate how his glasses fall down his nose when he critiques my work in like a totally yngrateful way and he’s WEIRD with his stupid unfunny dad jokes…

So i work for a development office in an abbey doing fundraising, and I am sick of the priests who are not my boss asking me to do things and also calling me a secretary. I only really like the ladies I work with. They understand how bad the patriarchy is in this space, but they are older ladies and resigned to the way things are. but worst of all… i hate the abbot

He looks like the kind of person that, like whose face I should be peeling off to reveal a demon, and I hate his voice and he wears these weird sandals and has the personality of a wet blanket and has no idea what’s going on ever andI hate how his glasses fall down his nose when he critiques my work in like a totally yngrateful way and he’s WEIRD with his stupid unfunny dad jokes and is AWKWARD and I just… he makes my skin crawl and I hate when he is in my presence

Anyways, I feel so exhausted constantly and I just… I had another job beforehand but that boss was abusive and I… have ADHD and chronic illness and feel destined to work paycheck to paycheck forever and i want a break i am so burnt out. I dropped out of grad school in 2022 when I spent a week in the psych ward and they didn’t renew my funding and… i just wanna play music and exist and not be so exhausted all the time

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