
I work for a startup that has really low ARR and I think I’m about to get put on a PIP or get fired. What should I do?

I'm (34m) a single dad and I've been struggling with my MH with the start up stress and the stress of being a single dad to a 11f & 9m has been getting to me. I have dropped a few balls and despite my reddit generated username, I'm actually a positive person my MH not withstanding. Recently we've been losing some of the few customers we do have due to the product not meeting expectations and our Series A hasn't been going well. Our ARR is barely enough to cover the salaries of just the team managing the clients. I recently was called out for missing a deadline, and my manager has expressed concerns about my demeanor. I have an in person meeting later this week with her. I checked in with my family and friends, and they've been really concerned about me for months. I realized that I've been…

I'm (34m) a single dad and I've been struggling with my MH with the start up stress and the stress of being a single dad to a 11f & 9m has been getting to me. I have dropped a few balls and despite my reddit generated username, I'm actually a positive person my MH not withstanding.

Recently we've been losing some of the few customers we do have due to the product not meeting expectations and our Series A hasn't been going well. Our ARR is barely enough to cover the salaries of just the team managing the clients. I recently was called out for missing a deadline, and my manager has expressed concerns about my demeanor. I have an in person meeting later this week with her.

I checked in with my family and friends, and they've been really concerned about me for months. I realized that I've been masked how I've been feeling from myself. I made an appointment with my PCP tomorrow to get a diagnosis & on meds ASAP, as it's been a while since it's been a problem though I do have a history.

Do I share this with my manager before I get put on the PIP or possibly fired? Is that a bad move? What do I do?

I'm panicking because I have no savings – the divorce and lawyers wiped me out. I have already started applying. I can't go on FMLA as I haven't been working here long enough

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