
I work in a Call Center that is hiring overseas and all their overseas staff keeps quitting. Entire training classes resigning at one time. It’s poetic Justice.

I work a major life insurance company in the call center and my company keeps hiring tons of overseas staff that keep quitting. Entire training classes are resigning. I call it poetic justice. The American companies have saturated overseas markets with call center jobs because of the low wages. But it appears that now there are so many U.S. based companies overseas that have placed their operations there to exploit the low cost labor that the offshore staff is now refusing to work for rock bottom wages. Especially when the job is very stressful.

I work a major life insurance company in the call center and my company keeps hiring tons of overseas staff that keep quitting. Entire training classes are resigning. I call it poetic justice. The American companies have saturated overseas markets with call center jobs because of the low wages.

But it appears that now there are so many U.S. based companies overseas that have placed their operations there to exploit the low cost labor that the offshore staff is now refusing to work for rock bottom wages. Especially when the job is very stressful.

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