
I work in a career center (formerly an unemployment office) and want to print things from this page and pass them out

All the managers in the office I work at are in their 60's and constantly shit on younger people and wonder why they themselves cant get people to work in the office. They don't understand online work or why people are demanding “more money” aka livable wages, despite working for the Department of Labor. I am a contracted employee that is allowed to use the office space (im also in the process of finding other work), soI don't technically work for the center, but I overhear a lot because its cubicle style with no real privacy besides the managers offices with doors. I want so badly to print things off from here and slide it under their doors, hoping it would wake them up a little. Has anyone done this or provided material to out of touch employers that actually stuck? It's probably a dumb idea but its disgusting hearing…

All the managers in the office I work at are in their 60's and constantly shit on younger people and wonder why they themselves cant get people to work in the office. They don't understand online work or why people are demanding “more money” aka livable wages, despite working for the Department of Labor. I am a contracted employee that is allowed to use the office space (im also in the process of finding other work), soI don't technically work for the center, but I overhear a lot because its cubicle style with no real privacy besides the managers offices with doors. I want so badly to print things off from here and slide it under their doors, hoping it would wake them up a little. Has anyone done this or provided material to out of touch employers that actually stuck? It's probably a dumb idea but its disgusting hearing them talk about the changing job market and not understanding it considering what agency they work for. They're all close to retirement or people who retired already but “got bored” so keep working with no end in site.

Should I even bother? The center is likely going to close because of their incompetence. It wont effect me but the community and one employee they still have left who's got 13 years in and doesn't want to lose state retirement cause he's over the hump of 10.

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