
I work in a dystopian hellhole straight out of Orwells mind

Throwaway acc since I don't wanna get sued. I started working in a law firm about a year ago. At the beginning everything seemed great, my superiors were friendly, the pay was okay and I could only work from my home office, for which I was provided with modern technology. As far as work is concerned, I had an okay time. Then shit started hitting the fan when it was announced in the summer that a performance-based bonus system had been introduced. Of course, it was immediately clear that the necessary monitoring of performance would have massive disadvantages for the employees. A few weeks later, the first long-term employee, a colleague of mine, was suddenly fired without any prior notice because her performance was deemed inadequate. However, she had been assigned to a new subject area a short time before, which is why she was still being trained and was…

Throwaway acc since I don't wanna get sued.

I started working in a law firm about a year ago.
At the beginning everything seemed great, my superiors were friendly, the pay was okay and I could only work from my home office, for which I was provided with modern technology. As far as work is concerned, I had an okay time.
Then shit started hitting the fan when it was announced in the summer that a performance-based bonus system had been introduced. Of course, it was immediately clear that the necessary monitoring of performance would have massive disadvantages for the employees. A few weeks later, the first long-term employee, a colleague of mine, was suddenly fired without any prior notice because her performance was deemed inadequate. However, she had been assigned to a new subject area a short time before, which is why she was still being trained and was therefore naturally slower.
Since my workload increased as a result and my performance was praised several times (but I still didn't get a bonus), I asked for a salary increase to combat the ongoing inflation, which I was denied because I could earn the bonus if I just “work harder”.

Now that the bonus system is in effect, the performance of all employees in the company has been published once a week. Every employee receives an email with a table where the employees' activities are compared with each other. It is also planned that every employee will have a daily, constantly updated comparison on their desktop of how much they have worked today versus how much their colleagues have achieved, so they can “catch up”. So I am constantly surveilled and immediatly publicly shamed if my performance for whatever reason isn't up to par.
The boss of the company also wrote in a circular email that all employees who are not “high performers” should please leave the company. I'm just disgusted but I can't find a new job either. I could vomit if I imagine that my work contributes to the wealth of people who treat their employees so disgustingly.

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