
I work overtime for free, but my boss is not satisfied.

I have worked running errands for an office for the better part of this year. In theory I work from 9am to 5pm, however, in reality I work from 9am to 8pm, sometimes more. The reason is because, on top of my daily duties, my boss has “very important things to do in the afternoons” so he asks me as a favor to drive across town and take his son to different after school activities. I don't get paid overtime or gas. At first, I thought it would be a one-time thing and wanting to be a good person I decided to help him, but it has become a daily thing. His son is a good kid. Today he told me that the other night he heard his father say that I don't do enough in the office. The reason is that he can't stand me having down time. He…

I have worked running errands for an office for the better part of this year. In theory I work from 9am to 5pm, however, in reality I work from 9am to 8pm, sometimes more. The reason is because, on top of my daily duties, my boss has “very important things to do in the afternoons” so he asks me as a favor to drive across town and take his son to different after school activities. I don't get paid overtime or gas. At first, I thought it would be a one-time thing and wanting to be a good person I decided to help him, but it has become a daily thing.

His son is a good kid. Today he told me that the other night he heard his father say that I don't do enough in the office. The reason is that he can't stand me having down time. He can't stand the idea of paying an employee just to be available. According to his son, tomorrow he's going to call me into his office and tell me I need to do more, but he's not going to tell me specifically what, because he wants me to take initiative.

Apparently, a lot of people have quit from here because employees always start getting asked for more and more favors until they get fed up. The kid also told me my boss and his wife have had arguments over the way he treats employees, but he doesn't listen.

I want to quit, but I spent months looking for a job and I was really desperate. I give the extra and it's not enough.

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