
I work remotely, and my company doesn’t understand the concept of involving remote workers

My company is based in one state and I live in another state (in the US). The people who live near the company get together for potlucks or bbqs or picnics about once a quarter. In the years I’ve been here it’s always bothered me that they don’t inform the entire company that these events are happening. At my last company, about 90% of us lived close so we were able to make the monthly roof top hangouts. But for the 10% who didn’t live in the same state, or were traveling, they were also informed to take off at 3 pm on Friday because that’s what the rest of the company did. I thought this made complete sense; wherever you are, take off at 3. My current company does not do this. In fact, when I suggested that we announce when the in-person part of the company gathers for…

My company is based in one state and I live in another state (in the US). The people who live near the company get together for potlucks or bbqs or picnics about once a quarter. In the years I’ve been here it’s always bothered me that they don’t inform the entire company that these events are happening. At my last company, about 90% of us lived close so we were able to make the monthly roof top hangouts. But for the 10% who didn’t live in the same state, or were traveling, they were also informed to take off at 3 pm on Friday because that’s what the rest of the company did. I thought this made complete sense; wherever you are, take off at 3. My current company does not do this. In fact, when I suggested that we announce when the in-person part of the company gathers for a picnic/bbq/potluck at noon on a Friday, they should inform the entire company to take this time off. Their response “well I’ll check with leadership. I don’t know if we can do that because it’s like the whole company would be taking it off!” Like????? Isn’t that the fucking point? If we were in person, that’s what would happen. I feel this response and mentality is actually incredibly disrespectful to the 60% of us who are remote workers. I understand if someone isn’t able to, for example the customer service helpline or the engineers who have strict deadlines can’t do that. But for those who can, they aren’t informed and end up working an entire Friday workday when half the company is eating bbq for 4 hours. I hate it here.

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