
I would quit….but I effin live here.

I work for/with my fiance. I sell his certain items he fabricates. That being said, I do the advertising and pay for it if I can afford it – out of MY pocket. I do this semi full time but being that it’s 90% from my phone and at home nobody considers these a real job. And I’m beginning not to either because the pay is stupid. I generated $5,000 last month. Take out materials $1,400 — leaves $3,600 and he calmly hands me $400 and tells me not to spend it all in one place. Not to mention the leads I b hey and generate he doesn’t act on. That I have put countless hours into speaking and answering questions at all hours of the day and night. (I sold one at 2:30 AM & he did t believe that’s who I was on the phone with till the…

I work for/with my fiance. I sell his certain items he fabricates. That being said, I do the advertising and pay for it if I can afford it – out of MY pocket. I do this semi full time but being that it’s 90% from my phone and at home nobody considers these a real job. And I’m beginning not to either because the pay is stupid. I generated $5,000 last month. Take out materials $1,400 — leaves $3,600 and he calmly hands me $400 and tells me not to spend it all in one place. Not to mention the leads I b hey and generate he doesn’t act on. That I have put countless hours into speaking and answering questions at all hours of the day and night. (I sold one at 2:30 AM & he did t believe that’s who I was on the phone with till the down payment hit his cash app)
One item sells for between $500 and $2200 — like seriously — he feels a flat $100 is enough because “I benefit from just being with him.” Meanwhile he has bought $15,000 in new Milwaukee tools in the last year and a half – a used car – began a com collection— and I’m down to my last pair of jeans and out of necessities so luxuries like a fuckin coin collection I can’t fathom, I need $17,000 in dental work! I bring this up and he promises I’m next, it’s been 3 years. My hair looks for crap, my wardrobe is lacking and my mental health is lacking. I can’t drive so finding something else is super hard. I just need to vent. But it isn’t fair —

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