
I write poems about how much I hate capitalism this one is called I Was Human

Hello hello When I say hello You say latte When I ask what size You say latte When I ask if that's hot You say latte I do not work with a barcode plastered on my shoulder I am not a cog in a machine I am not an automaton moving back and forth in the same position endlessly producing parts to be consumed I am human I tell myself I am human I believe myself I am human I am human I am human I repeat as I put on the same shirt, the same pants, and the same hat day After day After day After day No value in work no work without value No money means there is poverty Poverty means crime This is what they tell us We need capitalism We need to endlessly produce till we die Its all for the greater good? For our…

Hello hello
When I say hello
You say latte
When I ask what size
You say latte
When I ask if that's hot
You say latte

I do not work with a barcode plastered on my shoulder
I am not a cog in a machine
I am not an automaton moving back and forth in the same position endlessly producing parts to be consumed
I am human I tell myself
I am human I believe myself
I am human I am human I am human
I repeat as I put on the same shirt, the same pants, and the same hat day
After day
After day
After day

No value in work no work without value
No money means there is poverty
Poverty means crime
This is what they tell us
We need capitalism
We need to endlessly produce till we die
Its all for the greater good?
For our fellow man?
For all of society?
Who is they?
Why does they dictate our lives?

I am human I am human I am human

I am not a number
I have a name
At least I thought till I couldn't remember it anymore
Day after day a little more of our identities are taken
Are stripped away
Are stolen
Like the hours on the clock
The days on the calendar
Less like thoughtful creatures
Now more like thoughtless animals

I am human I am human I am human

This is a curse we cry
This is a life sentence for a crime we did not commit
I did not ask to be this slave
I did not ask to be shackled to the machines I endlessly produce parts with to be consumed
Neither did you
Or you
Or you
Or even you
We are the voice of many
We are the majority
But here we stand treated like those automatons
Treated like cattle
Like slaves
Like little cogs in a giant machine to keep society going

I am human I told myself
I am human I believed myself
I was human I know myself

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