
Identity theft

Hi all, a short story for you that happened to me a little while ago. So the boss and i ran a branch of the company was a real good boss, just the two of us. We where turning over more than every other state, 21 Million yearly turn over, for just us two, the Boss (Lets call him Frank) who delt with the customers and sales and me (Peter) who would go out install all this custom gear and make everything work. Frank would keep the customers happy with good prices and service, and i Peter would keep them happy by showing up and fixing everything or installing no matter how hard or far away. The owner of the company was really nice, Gave me a credit card and didn't care what i put on it, my boss Frank would even put strip clubs on it. If i needed…

Hi all, a short story for you that happened to me a little while ago.

So the boss and i ran a branch of the company was a real good boss, just the two of us.

We where turning over more than every other state, 21 Million yearly turn over, for just us two, the Boss (Lets call him Frank) who delt with the customers and sales and me (Peter) who would go out install all this custom gear and make everything work.

Frank would keep the customers happy with good prices and service, and i Peter would keep them happy by showing up and fixing everything or installing no matter how hard or far away.

The owner of the company was really nice, Gave me a credit card and didn't care what i put on it, my boss Frank would even put strip clubs on it. If i needed a new tool or anything just throw it on the company credit card, it was wide open for abuse but he didn't care we where making them so much money he loved us and didn't care. The way things should be. He wasn't going to stop what we where doing just because i put a case of beer on the card after working on the weekend.

A little while later he had to sell the company to a new owner was a dick, took all overtime and credit cards away and had time sheets and all the nightmares that come with a dick. So we both quit and he didn't care, No phone call no reasons he didn't care.

I found them advertising for new people but after a month of advertising they stopped.

I asked my friend to go check out the company, and they replaced us both.

Now here is the sad part, They found two new people to do the job and their names were Frank the boss and a technician called Peter. (They copied our bloody names both of us)

They said it would be easier for the customers if they kept ringing the company and knew who to speak to and who would look after them.

I think this is bullshit they went to market just to employ people with the same names as the old staff and working on the bases of all the hard and good work i used to do.

You would think this would be illegal. and how do you get quality staff when your main criteria is your name.

They are both happy in their new jobs with less than half the pay i was getting and being worked to the bone and turning over a massive 5 Million a year now.

Good luck to them.

Thanks for reading.


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