
Idk what kind of job I should be doing other than stem

I’m f25, been working in medical research institute for almost two years and I don’t see any personal growth. I work from 8-5, my commute is 1 hour, and I’m drained with shitty boss and no help to be better at career or something. I’m slowly learning stuff all by myself, I’ve spent months without any assigned work because of weird colleagues who didn’t want to help a newbie. And I’m still where I was almost two years ago. I applied for other jobs in the same field but didn’t get called back, before getting this job I’ve applied everywhere! Even freelancing didn’t work for me. I can’t sleep. Can’t keep up with my family and friends. Ain’t achieving my work goals or life goals or physical goals. And I’m drained.

I’m f25, been working in medical research institute for almost two years and I don’t see any personal growth. I work from 8-5, my commute is 1 hour, and I’m drained with shitty boss and no help to be better at career or something. I’m slowly learning stuff all by myself, I’ve spent months without any assigned work because of weird colleagues who didn’t want to help a newbie. And I’m still where I was almost two years ago.

I applied for other jobs in the same field but didn’t get called back, before getting this job I’ve applied everywhere! Even freelancing didn’t work for me. I can’t sleep. Can’t keep up with my family and friends. Ain’t achieving my work goals or life goals or physical goals. And I’m drained.

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