
Idk what to do anymore.

I cant do this anymore. I'm drowning in debt, I don't make enough to survive, jobs telling me they don't want me because I'm “a laborer”. I don't want to keep doing these physical jobs because they always ALWAYS have shitty management. My mental health is reaching levels of no fixing, and yet I can't stop my job because of bills, and mortgage, and food, and gas, and on and on and on. I struggle because of severe ADHD, depression, bipolar, and PTSD at the age of 29, and no one seems to understand me, or want to even try since its a lot easier to throw people like me to the curb, and replace us. I have a mental breakdown nearly every other day at this point because of the rich assholes above me refusing to treat me like a human. Im not smart enough for school, and no…

I cant do this anymore. I'm drowning in debt, I don't make enough to survive, jobs telling me they don't want me because I'm “a laborer”. I don't want to keep doing these physical jobs because they always ALWAYS have shitty management. My mental health is reaching levels of no fixing, and yet I can't stop my job because of bills, and mortgage, and food, and gas, and on and on and on.

I struggle because of severe ADHD, depression, bipolar, and PTSD at the age of 29, and no one seems to understand me, or want to even try since its a lot easier to throw people like me to the curb, and replace us. I have a mental breakdown nearly every other day at this point because of the rich assholes above me refusing to treat me like a human. Im not smart enough for school, and no one now a days is willing to train someone. I feel like my life is worthless and the only thing tethering me to this world is my wife and cats. Ive had nothing but issues with family, I have no friends, and I've suffered through derealization for so many years now.

And here I am venting on a forum to thousands of people who could care less about me. Really am hitting rock bottom. Therapy has never worked, and it was blatant that they only wanted the paycheck. Workout out isn't helping. The only thing that would help me is leaving my job for a mental vacation, which I can't afford… idk what to do anymore.

FUCK this capitalist society, fuck our government, fuck these corporations. Eat the god damn rich.

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