
if all people of the world united….

I am not calling out for a revolution (am I?) BUT guess what, if all the opressed stood up and fought the system, even by being passive – by sabotaging work for a few days to show the bosses just who exactly runs their great lives – there could be changes. If every boss or manager or company owner gave up 1 percent of his profit and instead of spending it on luxuries or giving it to his useless kids or trophy wives – which you might argue would be better for them also because it would reduce their sassiness and spoiled brat mentality by 1 percent (and oh boy if we increase this percentage…) and instead divided it all to greater salaries or bonuses for his workers… that would be a win-win situation. It is absurd how after 20-25 we are never truly free until retirement, and then, when…

I am not calling out for a revolution (am I?) BUT guess what, if all the opressed stood up and fought the system, even by being passive – by sabotaging work for a few days to show the bosses just who exactly runs their great lives – there could be changes.

If every boss or manager or company owner gave up 1 percent of his profit and instead of spending it on luxuries or giving it to his useless kids or trophy wives – which you might argue would be better for them also because it would reduce their sassiness and spoiled brat mentality by 1 percent (and oh boy if we increase this percentage…) and instead divided it all to greater salaries or bonuses for his workers… that would be a win-win situation.

It is absurd how after 20-25 we are never truly free until retirement, and then, when we arrive there, boom – we are old and life isnt so great anymore.

We spend the absolute primes of our entire LIVES working to get others rich and to just get by, day by day, exhausted to do anything real.

A lack of fresh air and positive thoughts and exercise turns us into slaves, more adequate for abuse, because we cannot stand up for ourselves dur to moral/physical decline and depend on that boss and salary to support us, and when family comes into play, you need to think about them as well.

So there you have it my friends. Millions, billions of lives wasted daily.

Whether you believe in God or something else, it cannot be what he/she intended.

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