
If asked for the impossible, it’s OK (good actually) to not deliver

Hell, it doesn't have to be impossible, just impossible within the constraints of your working life. My co-worker is insisting on getting started on a project that hasn't been signed off yet and that we don't even have full requirements for because “there isn't time to get it done in the planned timeline”. I've tried to reason with them, and to my face they will agree that particular things need to wait, but then they will just carry on with the work anyway. I think they're panicking. I wish I could make them understand that if there isn't time to get it done in the planned timeline, and you've communicated that, then the thing to do is to not get it done. All you're doing otherwise is reinforcing the idea that our estimates and concerns can be ignored with no consequences. If something can't be done within the allocated time…

Hell, it doesn't have to be impossible, just impossible within the constraints of your working life.

My co-worker is insisting on getting started on a project that hasn't been signed off yet and that we don't even have full requirements for because “there isn't time to get it done in the planned timeline”. I've tried to reason with them, and to my face they will agree that particular things need to wait, but then they will just carry on with the work anyway. I think they're panicking.

I wish I could make them understand that if there isn't time to get it done in the planned timeline, and you've communicated that, then the thing to do is to not get it done. All you're doing otherwise is reinforcing the idea that our estimates and concerns can be ignored with no consequences.

If something can't be done within the allocated time and within my usual 9-5 (well, 8:30-5), it doesn't get done. No starting projects early, no working late. I recognise that being able to do this without fear for my livelihood is a privilege, but it is a privilege where many who have it do not take advantage because they've been brainwashed into hanging their own self worth on whether they meet these targets. It's sad.

Happy Friday everyone.

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