
If everyone here was a boss…

odds are you’d be just as bad as the boss you hate. It’s horrible to say but history has proven that almost all bosses turn into the unfair, asshole boss. I know you think you’d be different. You’ll change the status quo. You’ll be reasonable to employees. You’ll do everything to be fair and help people out. But unfortunately, history has shown, the likely outcome is the power goes to your head and you become everything you hate.

odds are you’d be just as bad as the boss you hate. It’s horrible to say but history has proven that almost all bosses turn into the unfair, asshole boss. I know you think you’d be different. You’ll change the status quo. You’ll be reasonable to employees. You’ll do everything to be fair and help people out. But unfortunately, history has shown, the likely outcome is the power goes to your head and you become everything you hate.

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