
If I didn’t rely on my employer for health insurance, I would quit.

I want to start off by saying I don’t hate my job or what I do. What I don’t enjoy is the rigidity of working for a company/someone else. This became much more significant once my place of employment decided that we were no longer allowed to work from home (this change happened in January 2023) despite the fact that my job and the jobs of everyone in my department can be done from home. If I didn’t need health insurance and if I didn’t live in the US where you have to rely on your employer for health insurance, I would start a private practice (I’m a Mental Health Therapist). I did the math and my salary is cut in HALF after taxes and health insurance costs. Then on top of that the pause on student loan repayment has ended and my payments have doubled because the interest rates…

I want to start off by saying I don’t hate my job or what I do. What I don’t enjoy is the rigidity of working for a company/someone else. This became much more significant once my place of employment decided that we were no longer allowed to work from home (this change happened in January 2023) despite the fact that my job and the jobs of everyone in my department can be done from home.

If I didn’t need health insurance and if I didn’t live in the US where you have to rely on your employer for health insurance, I would start a private practice (I’m a Mental Health Therapist). I did the math and my salary is cut in HALF after taxes and health insurance costs. Then on top of that the pause on student loan repayment has ended and my payments have doubled because the interest rates increased. I feel like a lot of people could relate to this and figured I’d share my thoughts here.

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