
If I hear “”WeLcOmE To ThE rEaL wOrLd” one more time when I complain about work, I’ll fucking lose my shit.

I hate hearing “welcome to the real world” or “that's life” whenever I complain about work. Sorry if this is the wrong place but kind of want to get this off my chest. Also sorry for my English. I sit in the same place for 10 hours a day, 5 days a week, sometimes even 6. Just doing the same mind numbing shit over and over again, it makes me dread waking up in the morning. Some days I cried before, during and after work. But whenever I complain about it, it's always “WeLcOmE To ThE rEaL wOrLd” or “Git Gud”. This kind of shit doesn't make me feel better or makes me want to work harder. It just makes me wants to off myself. I know that I need to work to survive and blah blah, but would some sympathy is too much? Even worse, sometimes I hear “I…

I hate hearing “welcome to the real world” or “that's life” whenever I complain about work. Sorry if this is the wrong place but kind of want to get this off my chest. Also sorry for my English.

I sit in the same place for 10 hours a day, 5 days a week, sometimes even 6. Just doing the same mind numbing shit over and over again, it makes me dread waking up in the morning. Some days I cried before, during and after work.

But whenever I complain about it, it's always “WeLcOmE To ThE rEaL wOrLd” or “Git Gud”.

This kind of shit doesn't make me feel better or makes me want to work harder. It just makes me wants to off myself. I know that I need to work to survive and blah blah, but would some sympathy is too much?

Even worse, sometimes I hear “I have it worse than you” then proceeds to tell how much more miserable their life is compared to mine.

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