
If I’m negative in vacation time and no sick days what do I do if I need a day off?

When I got on board I told them about my upcoming trip. They said won't be an issue but I'd go negative on my vacation time since I won't be there long enough to accure them. I only have accured 2 sick days which I used one. I'm currently interviewing elsewhere for Flight Attendant positions. These interviews are all day events and they fly you to their headquarters. So in the upcoming months I may need to take at least one maybe two days off here and there. Honestly they can fire me if they wanna be this pety but I wanna know what my options are. This is EXACTLY why I am done with 9-5s. 🤣

When I got on board I told them about my upcoming trip. They said won't be an issue but I'd go negative on my vacation time since I won't be there long enough to accure them. I only have accured 2 sick days which I used one. I'm currently interviewing elsewhere for Flight Attendant positions. These interviews are all day events and they fly you to their headquarters. So in the upcoming months I may need to take at least one maybe two days off here and there. Honestly they can fire me if they wanna be this pety but I wanna know what my options are. This is EXACTLY why I am done with 9-5s. 🤣

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