
If something is bothering you at work, and you decide to do the right thing and tell your supervisor – rest assured, you will come to regret it.

One of the biggest lies ever said at work is, “come Forward”, “talk to me”, “tell me what's wrong”, “feel free to speak up at anytime”. In some cases further vetting an issue yourself, could save you the trouble of bringing it up. In other cases, you may be decided on bringing it forward. I honestly don't put anything beneath anyone at this point. I once heard a quote, “Being good at stuff is just hiding when you're bad at stuff”. This is great for Sport, Art and Entertainment but in technical work environments it often means hiding, manipulating, and gaslighting the bearer of bad news.

One of the biggest lies ever said at work is, “come Forward”, “talk to me”, “tell me what's wrong”, “feel free to speak up at anytime”.

In some cases further vetting an issue yourself, could save you the trouble of bringing it up.

In other cases, you may be decided on bringing it forward.

I honestly don't put anything beneath anyone at this point.

I once heard a quote, “Being good at stuff is just hiding when you're bad at stuff”.

This is great for Sport, Art and Entertainment but in technical work environments it often means hiding, manipulating, and gaslighting the bearer of bad news.

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