
If this is life, why bother living it?

32yo male, just graduated (electronic engineer, “just” BSc, started working one month ago as technician (haven't seen nothing of real engineering yet in this place, or at least not the kind I enjoy) Working hours aren't so drastic, I do 9-17 or 9-18 if I want to cumulate hours (and use them later for free time other days). I suffered from depression since.. lot of time. I'm not totally out of it I guess. Never will be maybe. Btw.. i find new routine.. daunting. Exhausting. I started living alone to be near the place of work (stupid public sector company which doesn't let you to do remote work even if you could do so). I wake up 7.30, go to work 8.30, until I arrive it's 9.00. Work until 17/18, then go home (little two room apartment), sit at bed for tiredness, try to chat little bit with strangers on…

32yo male, just graduated (electronic engineer, “just” BSc, started working one month ago as technician (haven't seen nothing of real engineering yet in this place, or at least not the kind I enjoy)

Working hours aren't so drastic, I do 9-17 or 9-18 if I want to cumulate hours (and use them later for free time other days).

I suffered from depression since.. lot of time. I'm not totally out of it I guess.
Never will be maybe.

Btw.. i find new routine.. daunting. Exhausting.
I started living alone to be near the place of work (stupid public sector company which doesn't let you to do remote work even if you could do so).

I wake up 7.30, go to work 8.30, until I arrive it's 9.00.
Work until 17/18, then go home (little two room apartment), sit at bed for tiredness, try to chat little bit with strangers on the phone, cook something (I'm eating shit), dishes, and it's already 23.00-00.00 and everything reset and go over again.
Feel totally alone. No one to connect with. And I'll never have the time to knew new people with this routine.

I suppose being depressed leaves me little energies. And I'm putting all of them in just waking up, having a regular schedule, mantain home and just look busy at work. So I just stay home when I come back from work

I don't really know for how long I'll be able to sustain it. Plus salary is not so good for European standard (I'm in Italy.. wages so fuckin ridiculously low here. At least from what I hear from other eu ppl). So don't know when I'll be able to be financially free.

Need to find ways to stay better while living this shit. Ideally I won't work a single day in my life and just pass my time by myself, reading stuff, tryin to learn new things. But we all now this isn't possible.
Advices are welcome.

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