
If we won’t do a general strike, can we at least do a debt strike?

I'm terrified of a general strike. I'm afraid I'll be the only one who does it, and don't show up to work, I'll likely get fired and I depend on each and every dollar I earn. They have us living by such razor thin margins that's it's literally risking homelessness to strike. That being said, I just got my notice for student loan payments restarting… and that's something I CAN strike. “It'll hurt your credit and you'll never be able to buy a house!” – not going to happen in this market anyway. “They'll take away your tax return” -my SO and I make just enough to keep our heads above water, but not enough to get a return. This is literally the easiest way to strike and I think everyone with student loans should participate. My generation was sold a lie. “Just go to college and you'll get a…

I'm terrified of a general strike. I'm afraid I'll be the only one who does it, and don't show up to work, I'll likely get fired and I depend on each and every dollar I earn. They have us living by such razor thin margins that's it's literally risking homelessness to strike.

That being said, I just got my notice for student loan payments restarting… and that's something I CAN strike.

“It'll hurt your credit and you'll never be able to buy a house!” – not going to happen in this market anyway.

“They'll take away your tax return” -my SO and I make just enough to keep our heads above water, but not enough to get a return.

This is literally the easiest way to strike and I think everyone with student loans should participate.

My generation was sold a lie. “Just go to college and you'll get a good job and be able to afford everything we have” sad every boomer and movie and TV show when my generation was growing up.
They trapped us with this debt. They inflated the cost of college, they programmed us to go, they required a bachelor's degree for any entry level white collar job. They outsourced all of the high paying manufacturing jobs. They turned our economy into one based on service instead of production.

Let's stand together in solidarity and debt strike.

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