
If you didn’t have to do the job you have, what would you do instead?

Let’s pretend UBI and universal healthcare just passed. You now get $70,000 USD per year. Do you love your job and keep it for extra income? Do you immediately quit your shitty job and start a good truck or learn a new skill? Do you stop working altogether and just vibe? I’ve been a graphic designer for 20 years. I started out doing it for fun and have grown to hate it after a career in corporate marketing. I would probably start a food truck part time. Revive my recycled skateboards Etsy and spend more time working on my homestead with my family and learning to grow food etc. What would you do?

Let’s pretend UBI and universal healthcare just passed. You now get $70,000 USD per year.

Do you love your job and keep it for extra income?

Do you immediately quit your shitty job and start a good truck or learn a new skill?

Do you stop working altogether and just vibe?

I’ve been a graphic designer for 20 years. I started out doing it for fun and have grown to hate it after a career in corporate marketing.

I would probably start a food truck part time. Revive my recycled skateboards Etsy and spend more time working on my homestead with my family and learning to grow food etc.

What would you do?

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