
If you didn’t have to work anymore how would you fill your time?

Providing you could afford the things you want to do. Not just pay your base living expenses and do nothing. I hear so many people say “oh no I would be bored, I could never”. For me I have it all mapped out. It would take a good 5 years. Mostly filled with world travel and just getting on top of thing's with absolution in my personal life. You know things like repainting the house, watching that whole tv series, actually joining and committing to that sports class, reading all those books I want to read, fixing those things in the house/car that ignored, storing my financial files properly (It would take about two but I am slow to act so I'd say give myself 5 years before I'm even close to running out of things to do) Then I think I would either volunteer with a cat charity or…

Providing you could afford the things you want to do. Not just pay your base living expenses and do nothing.
I hear so many people say “oh no I would be bored, I could never”.

For me I have it all mapped out. It would take a good 5 years. Mostly filled with world travel and just getting on top of thing's with absolution in my personal life. You know things like repainting the house, watching that whole tv series, actually joining and committing to that sports class, reading all those books I want to read, fixing those things in the house/car that ignored, storing my financial files properly (It would take about two but I am slow to act so I'd say give myself 5 years before I'm even close to running out of things to do)

Then I think I would either volunteer with a cat charity or plant a massive jungle garden or something.

My only fear would be isolation as I can appreciate the social component of my job with other staff and clients and I would have no reason to really interact with anyone on more than a superficial pleasantries level ever again…

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