
If you ever work in fast food and see it’s a franchise ran by Vibe Restaurants run far, far away and find a new job

There's a metric ton of God awful franchises ran by awful people or companies but anything ran by Vibe Restaurants is the worst by far. Vibe does not care to fix kitchen equipment such as fryers, ovens, replace things such as seasoning shakers, ect or even bother to fix infrastructure (our ceiling was caving in for about six months even after I told our district manager that it been slowly saghing and caving in more), we had no doorknob on the back door for two months (we had a literal hole where it used to be so someone could just slip their hand in and slide the deadbolt on the door if they really wanted to and rob us during the night), and almost everyone in upper management is awful. I've worked for two different companies franchised out by them and it was miserable. Work place bullying and harassment isn't…

There's a metric ton of God awful franchises ran by awful people or companies but anything ran by Vibe Restaurants is the worst by far. Vibe does not care to fix kitchen equipment such as fryers, ovens, replace things such as seasoning shakers, ect or even bother to fix infrastructure (our ceiling was caving in for about six months even after I told our district manager that it been slowly saghing and caving in more), we had no doorknob on the back door for two months (we had a literal hole where it used to be so someone could just slip their hand in and slide the deadbolt on the door if they really wanted to and rob us during the night), and almost everyone in upper management is awful.

I've worked for two different companies franchised out by them and it was miserable. Work place bullying and harassment isn't cared for until the one doing the bullying doesn't show up to work, raises are non existent even if promised, and verbal and emotional abuse from management is 100% allowed. I once got a call from the former district manager berating me for making a prep item two hours before open just because he saw it on camera I was doing it in the lobby. I wasn't supposed to be there that day. The tables and lobby were clean and I was wearing gloves. It wasn't some major contaminant for food safety. I was making ranch.

Want to report wage theft, sexual harassment, abuse, health violations, ect ect ect to HR? DONT BOTHER! HR will let the phone ring until you threaten legal action over email. One of my former coworkers is a minor with them knowing he was a minor and they decided fo make him a general manager (he was 15) despite the fact I'm pretty confident it's against the law in the state I'm in and heavily violates company policy. The best part is that they've stolen countless hours of overtime from him in the past and I've seen it. Two months ago (he was no longer in management lol) he noticed that he was missing an entire eight hours from total pay period and sure enough when I looked someone had deleted an entire shift he had that day that he had physically worked. He didn't even bother contacting HR because they constantly ignored his calls and even higher ups ignored him. Coworkers in a different company I worked for under Vibe had a massive, massive day drinking problem and would even give it to minors. Both HR and upper management knew this and did nothing.

I'm only writing this post because I'm no longer working for them by tomorrow. If any of their media scanning dickheads are reading this or see this. Kiss my ass. Oh yeah, did I also mention they try to track your social media?

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