
If you make more than 50k a year: drop in and tell us your job

I've seen how you guys love to drop your salary but never your job. I've actually never once seen someone say what their job is. So if you're making more than 50k a year I want to know what your job is. I only want to see your job title. As in, “I'm a Blank Blank at a Blank company making Blank.” Also if you're feeling extra helpful I'd love to know the jobs you've held to get to your current job. I.E blank->blank->blank. Until I see someone actually back up their claims I'll forever assume anyone that drops their salary is a bold faced liar. Love y'all, Merry Christmas! P.S. I know tone doesn't carry over text so I'd like to reassure the thin skinned that I'm genuinely curious and not really trying to troll. However, provocative language tends to get more replies.

I've seen how you guys love to drop your salary but never your job. I've actually never once seen someone say what their job is. So if you're making more than 50k a year I want to know what your job is. I only want to see your job title. As in, “I'm a Blank Blank at a Blank company making Blank.”

Also if you're feeling extra helpful I'd love to know the jobs you've held to get to your current job. I.E blank->blank->blank.

Until I see someone actually back up their claims I'll forever assume anyone that drops their salary is a bold faced liar.

Love y'all, Merry Christmas!

P.S. I know tone doesn't carry over text so I'd like to reassure the thin skinned that I'm genuinely curious and not really trying to troll. However, provocative language tends to get more replies.

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