
If you only get paid enough to pay for food and shelter, and that money goes right back to the capitalists who employee you, how is that any different from slavery?

I’m genuinely looking to be freed from this thought. If we see capitalists as one group and laborers as another, then consider that many laborers are only paid enough to pay for basic necessities to live, how is that any different than being an unpaid worker who is also minimally fed and sheltered? To be clear, I’m not comparing the modern day system to the one used against African Americans. It seems to me that the system has evolved, grown clever, given us all the illusions of choice to make us believe we’re free. We can choose what we eat, to some extent where we live, and which capitalist we work for. Occasionally we make enough money to afford some entertainment and we thank them. Right below the surface, whatever money we spend goes right back to the capitalist class. Not working means living on the streets and starving. They…

I’m genuinely looking to be freed from this thought. If we see capitalists as one group and laborers as another, then consider that many laborers are only paid enough to pay for basic necessities to live, how is that any different than being an unpaid worker who is also minimally fed and sheltered?

To be clear, I’m not comparing the modern day system to the one used against African Americans. It seems to me that the system has evolved, grown clever, given us all the illusions of choice to make us believe we’re free. We can choose what we eat, to some extent where we live, and which capitalist we work for. Occasionally we make enough money to afford some entertainment and we thank them.

Right below the surface, whatever money we spend goes right back to the capitalist class. Not working means living on the streets and starving. They even decided we have to have their fucking babies, making abortion seem like some discussion of morality when it is only so we are forced to raise their next generation.

How is there any debate on whether this is a system of slavery?

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