
“If you want to leave, please give us 6 months notice” and Im only giving one days notice now.

My toxic work environment has just worn me down. Any piece of solution or feedback I give to my organization always lands me in the conversation of “You can either be a team player or you can transition to another job outside of our org but please give us 6 months notice so we have enough time to find someone for your role” They really couldn't fire me because I was the only one running my program. They also can't afford unemployment. Well, I received a job offer yesterday and I will be making 20k more a year than I currently make at my organization. My plan is to give a one days notice after having my boss and the executive team tell me to basically quit and to give them a couple months notice…. yeah, Im good. The icing on the cake is that two others in my team…

My toxic work environment has just worn me down.

Any piece of solution or feedback I give to my organization always lands me in the conversation of “You can either be a team player or you can transition to another job outside of our org but please give us 6 months notice so we have enough time to find someone for your role”

They really couldn't fire me because I was the only one running my program. They also can't afford unemployment.

Well, I received a job offer yesterday and I will be making 20k more a year than I currently make at my organization.

My plan is to give a one days notice after having my boss and the executive team tell me to basically quit and to give them a couple months notice…. yeah, Im good.

The icing on the cake is that two others in my team are putting their two weeks in at the end of next week so my organization is really about to feel the wrath of the underpaid and overworked.

Sometimes being professional doesn't matter to me when I know that they weren't professional at all in the first place.

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