
If you want work done properly – you should not overburden people with too much work

You can do all work dilligent or fast. Dilligent and fast is only possible for a very short amount of time that is burning up the employee. Or with some easy tasks.Bosses seem to ignore this little fact. I have basically 30 to 40% more on my desk than one person can possibly manage. So I have to do work quick. Ofc its not dilligent and then the boss is angry at me. Bitch if you want things done properly – you should not overburden people with too much work – its that easy. If you give too many tasks there will be some small mistakes. If you would do your work thorough but because of that would do 1/3 less work – they would be equally angry anyways.

You can do all work dilligent or fast. Dilligent and fast is only possible for a very short amount of time that is burning up the employee. Or with some easy tasks.Bosses seem to ignore this little fact.

I have basically 30 to 40% more on my desk than one person can possibly manage. So I have to do work quick. Ofc its not dilligent and then the boss is angry at me.

Bitch if you want things done properly – you should not overburden people with too much work – its that easy. If you give too many tasks there will be some small mistakes.

If you would do your work thorough but because of that would do 1/3 less work – they would be equally angry anyways.

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