
If you were fired for not being pretty enough, what would you do?

I am a 19 year old female, and I was recently fired from my job for not being “pretty enough”. Although this isn’t reason they gave me on why I was fired, the information was told to me by fellow coworkers. Here’s some background: I recently got hired at this restaurant as a server the 28th of November, and started training that same week. I did 5 complete days of training (30th-2nd: put into two doubles and morning shift), and then i worked a complete two days alone before being fired on December 6th. The reason the managers gave me on why i was fired was “you had to many comps and voids, amongst the rest”. mind you, i have only worked two days, so i must’ve racked up a lot of those in two days. which i know on my account that wasn’t possible. After being told i no…

I am a 19 year old female, and I was recently fired from my job for not being “pretty enough”. Although this isn’t reason they gave me on why I was fired, the information was told to me by fellow coworkers. Here’s some background:

I recently got hired at this restaurant as a server the 28th of November, and started training that same week. I did 5 complete days of training (30th-2nd: put into two doubles and morning shift), and then i worked a complete two days alone before being fired on December 6th. The reason the managers gave me on why i was fired was “you had to many comps and voids, amongst the rest”. mind you, i have only worked two days, so i must’ve racked up a lot of those in two days. which i know on my account that wasn’t possible. After being told i no longer had a job with said restaurant, i left the work place without signing any paperwork.

The next morning(today: December 7th) I wake up to dm requests from fellow co-workers asking for my number. One message said: “…the reason they gave you was bullshit. i’ve heard something that you should know…”. Like anyone else would, I investigated the situation brought to my knowledge. I passed my number on to two fellow coworkers and patiently waited on a response or call. Shortly after I received a call form one of them, and they explained to me that someone over heard a conversation between a manger and a cooperate rep. about me. The manager and rep. were talking about letting me go because of the way i looked. I have Alopecia Areata and can’t grow hair due to the disease, so to them my outward appearance wasn’t pretty enough.

After finding out this news; I made my way to said restaurant to talk to a manager. I wanted to see my comp/void report that i have a right to see, especially since a corporate rep was there. They refused to let me see the reports, and denied my accusations. (not a shocker).

Based on the fact that I have multiple people coming to me about this accusation, and they(management) can’t provide evidence to back anything up. I feel like i have the right to believe what my coworkers have said. I was discriminated against because of something I have absolutely no control over. I never signed a resignation letter. The manager who fired me didn’t talk to any other manager before hand either.

Now that the story is back to where we are now. I can’t help but ask what other people think of this situation? Me and my family plan on suing this company, on bases of discrimination. Would you do the same? All comments and information is welcome.

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