
If your employer shows that they don’t give a fuck about you, please return the favor.

I’m 28 and have been with my current company for 5 years, within the same department for 2. This company is a tech giant, with ever increasing annual profits. In my 2 years with this department, I’ve accomplished many meaningful projects that have saved my company hundreds of thousands of dollars. I’ve received 2-3% raises each of the last 2 years, and am asked to do as much work as people who make 30-50k more than me. Recently I’ve been extremely sick, and today is my first full day back in a week. Instead of taking it easy and letting me catch up, what does my manager do? Pile more last minute projects on me that nobody a level above me is expected to be capable of doing. I’m done with this job. My plan is to quiet quit and do the bare minimum until I find something different, although…

I’m 28 and have been with my current company for 5 years, within the same department for 2. This company is a tech giant, with ever increasing annual profits.

In my 2 years with this department, I’ve accomplished many meaningful projects that have saved my company hundreds of thousands of dollars. I’ve received 2-3% raises each of the last 2 years, and am asked to do as much work as people who make 30-50k more than me.

Recently I’ve been extremely sick, and today is my first full day back in a week. Instead of taking it easy and letting me catch up, what does my manager do? Pile more last minute projects on me that nobody a level above me is expected to be capable of doing.

I’m done with this job. My plan is to quiet quit and do the bare minimum until I find something different, although I’m sure the rest of corporate America is just like my current company. Taking the most from their talented employees while paying them a pittance.

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