
If you’ve been burned/burned-out from your job, What change do you want to see?

In my last job, I was doing the work of a senior engineer (that was in the role for 12 years), but paid as a junior employee. I EXPLICITELY recall being in constant stress from poor supervisors. little to no guidance, little to no problem resolutionary action or explanation in situations, getting thrown under the bus by higher ups, ZERO COMMUNICATION SKILLS. it felt like they just allowed people to walk in off the street. . . I'm trying to keep this post short. if you know what I mean when I say “i've worked under shitty leadership/management”, then you know I have my LOOOOONG list of “i would've stayed if they fixed…” Have you run into a similar situation? what things do you or would you have liked to see change? what list of things, if fixed, would've kept you around?

In my last job, I was doing the work of a senior engineer (that was in the role for 12 years), but paid as a junior employee. I EXPLICITELY recall being in constant stress from poor supervisors. little to no guidance, little to no problem resolutionary action or explanation in situations, getting thrown under the bus by higher ups, ZERO COMMUNICATION SKILLS. it felt like they just allowed people to walk in off the street. . .

I'm trying to keep this post short. if you know what I mean when I say “i've worked under shitty leadership/management”, then you know I have my LOOOOONG list of “i would've stayed if they fixed…”

Have you run into a similar situation? what things do you or would you have liked to see change?

what list of things, if fixed, would've kept you around?

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