
I’m 16 and make more than my teachers

So im a 16 year old girl and work as a busser at a small town fancy restaurant. I make between 90-125$ on a good night and about 60-80$ on the average night and I get unlimited free food and drinks both while on and off the clock. I get generous breaks and my 2 main jobs is 1) collect dishes from tables and 2) make sure everyone’s water is topped up. I work 5:30-9:30 and make more during a day than my teachers. Let’s keep in mind teachers supported me and still do. They work harder than I do. Hell, my favourite teacher works after-hours and tutors UNPAID just to support her students. Let’s also acknowledge the fact she’s PHYSICALLY DISABLED and IMMUNO-COMPROMISED. Its absolutely INSANE to me how a 16 year old girl can make more than a teacher with 2 degrees and 15 year’s experience. There is…

So im a 16 year old girl and work as a busser at a small town fancy restaurant. I make between 90-125$ on a good night and about 60-80$ on the average night and I get unlimited free food and drinks both while on and off the clock. I get generous breaks and my 2 main jobs is 1) collect dishes from tables and 2) make sure everyone’s water is topped up. I work 5:30-9:30 and make more during a day than my teachers.

Let’s keep in mind teachers supported me and still do. They work harder than I do. Hell, my favourite teacher works after-hours and tutors UNPAID just to support her students. Let’s also acknowledge the fact she’s PHYSICALLY DISABLED and IMMUNO-COMPROMISED.

Its absolutely INSANE to me how a 16 year old girl can make more than a teacher with 2 degrees and 15 year’s experience. There is no one more under appreciated than teachers.

NOTE: I work minimum wage but get tips, I don’t work for 25$/h although I wish I did

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