
I’m a commission employee yet my employer demands I provide unpaid labor

As the title states, l'm a commission worker in the Midwest, United States. Without being specific, my career is licensed-based, and I work for a small, private practice. For context, I get no PTO, no benefits, no 401k, no bonuses, and of course, no overtime. My commission rate is small so l'm constantly financially struggling. My employer expects all of us who work here (we'r commission employees) to provide labor that we are not paid to do. The following are the unpaid tasks we're expected to perform: • Clean the individual rooms that we use with clients, which is the most reasonable aspect of this issue. However, the extent that we're expected to clean is more than I believe to be fair. I'm a licensed professional with a set job title, and mopping the floor isn't in that job description! There is no cleaning crew. • Do laundry (sheets, towels,…

As the title states, l'm a commission worker in the Midwest, United States. Without being specific, my career is licensed-based, and I work for a small, private practice. For context, I get no PTO, no benefits, no 401k, no bonuses, and of course, no overtime. My commission rate is small so l'm constantly financially struggling.

My employer expects all of us who work here (we'r commission employees) to provide labor that we are not paid to do.

The following are the unpaid tasks we're expected to perform:

• Clean the individual rooms that we use with clients, which is the most reasonable aspect of this issue. However, the extent that we're expected to clean is more than I believe to be fair. I'm a licensed professional with a set job title, and mopping the floor isn't in that job description! There is no cleaning crew.

• Do laundry (sheets, towels, etc) because “we all contribute to it.” And by “do laundry” I mean wash, dry, fold, and restock.

• Restock & clean various amenities (including washing the steam shower that's offered to clients).

• As of today, to clean toilets and pick up any trash that we see “need attention”. Again, no hired cleaning crew.

Their claim to entitlement for this unpaid labor is that we “aren't charged for the coffee and tea” that my employer provides, which is largely consumed by clients, and that we don’t pay a laundry fee, which is hit or miss in this industry.

Most of my coworkers agree that these unreasonable expectations are just that, unreasonable, but none of us have spoken out about how we feel. I feel taken advantage of. It's extremely uncomfortable being expected to pertorm tasks I'm not paid to pertorm, especially considering that l'm not even adequately financially compensated for the work I do.

I'm uncertain how to proceed with this issue.

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