
I’m a DoD (united states) contractor and the company got outbid for the new contract. Suggestion/advice/resources

I work in IT (NOC technician). I have been doing this job for almost 4 years and it is my first job after getting out of the military. In the next 3 to 6 months I will need to land a new job. This post is mostly to get some feedback/resources/advice from others who have had to search for contractor DoD jobs recently. I'm not stressing about it much.. But this end-stage capitalist death-cult system will always instill at a little fear that if I don't have a job to pay my mortgage I will be thrown into the street…

I work in IT (NOC technician). I have been doing this job for almost 4 years and it is my first job after getting out of the military.

In the next 3 to 6 months I will need to land a new job. This post is mostly to get some feedback/resources/advice from others who have had to search for contractor DoD jobs recently. I'm not stressing about it much..

But this end-stage capitalist death-cult system will always instill at a little fear that if I don't have a job to pay my mortgage I will be thrown into the street…

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