
I’m a former veteran. I’m officially working on leaving the U.S. and revoking citizenship.

As I type this, a law firm in Germany, that I've now paid and retained, is working on pursuing citizenship by ancestry via my mother's side. In this case, I'll have dual citizenship. But if this route doesn't work, I'll receive citizenship through the conventional route of moving, holding employment in-country, and taking citizenship and language tests — which also means revoking my American citizenship. Oh fuckin' well. I'm done. This country is an embarrassment. Its work-a-holic society is an embarrassment. Its oligarchical government, bought and paid for wholly by lobbyists, corporations, and special interests, is utterly dysfunctional and broken. Its healthcare system is the biggest embarrassment. The American voter has absolutely zero fucking power. We might as well call ourselves New Russia, or the People's Republic. Anyone else jumping ship? A decade ago, wearing the uniform of the US Armed Forces, I would've never imagined I'd even consider something…

As I type this, a law firm in Germany, that I've now paid and retained, is working on pursuing citizenship by ancestry via my mother's side. In this case, I'll have dual citizenship.

But if this route doesn't work, I'll receive citizenship through the conventional route of moving, holding employment in-country, and taking citizenship and language tests — which also means revoking my American citizenship.

Oh fuckin' well.

I'm done. This country is an embarrassment. Its work-a-holic society is an embarrassment. Its oligarchical government, bought and paid for wholly by lobbyists, corporations, and special interests, is utterly dysfunctional and broken. Its healthcare system is the biggest embarrassment. The American voter has absolutely zero fucking power.

We might as well call ourselves New Russia, or the People's Republic.

Anyone else jumping ship? A decade ago, wearing the uniform of the US Armed Forces, I would've never imagined I'd even consider something like this.

But this country's fallen so hard, so fast.

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