
I’m active duty military and wanted to know what people thought of my schedule.

So like the title say I'm active duty military. The position I hold is called a Team Chief. Im the one in charge of a 2 or 3 man team. I direct maintenance and im generally accepted to be the “most knowledgeable” on what ever job we are working that day. On average I work 3 days on then 3 days off. The hours I work each day vary depending on the task I'm given that day. Some days I show up at 6am other days I show up at 7 am. I'm only allowed to work on a particular job for a maximum of 12hr but there are exceptions to allow me to work up to 15hrs with the proper approval. The time line begins when I get to work, then continues when I get to our job site. It only ends when I get back to our original…

So like the title say I'm active duty military. The position I hold is called a Team Chief. Im the one in charge of a 2 or 3 man team. I direct maintenance and im generally accepted to be the “most knowledgeable” on what ever job we are working that day. On average I work 3 days on then 3 days off. The hours I work each day vary depending on the task I'm given that day. Some days I show up at 6am other days I show up at 7 am. I'm only allowed to work on a particular job for a maximum of 12hr but there are exceptions to allow me to work up to 15hrs with the proper approval. The time line begins when I get to work, then continues when I get to our job site. It only ends when I get back to our original base of operations. But there is usually more work to get done after we get back. Things like cleaning and inventory of tool. Filling out paperwork and giving briefs on what was done that day. So an example would be, get to base at 6am drive 2 hrs to a job site work on job site for 8hrs drive 2 hrs back to base and arrive at 6pm then clean vehicles, tools, and fill out paperwork 2 hrs. That is TECHNICALLY, 14 hrs of work but the military only counts it as 12 because the last 2 hrs are not considered. Then get home at 8pm and back to work the next day at 6am. Do this for 3 days in a row. Then you get 3 days off. My current take home pay is $1988.00 every 2 weeks which is $37 more then my work members since I'm a Team Chief. Let me know what you think of my schedule lol(p.s I'm salary not hourly)

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