
I’m amazed by how much a bad supervisor can mess up the whole job for everyone

My supervisor is out on a leave, and the department has never been happier and more productive. He's a bossy micromanager with a short temper who's been with the company for years. He stirs up trouble over nothing, even though the job is easy, and the customers are satisfied, keep returning and keep leaving positive reviews. But there's always a problem with him. Almost all the people in the company openly dislike him for being a jerk, but since he's related to the owner, he's not going anywhere. During his leave, the work environment has changed dramatically. It feels like I have a completely new job. Suddenly, my coworkers are smiling and working together. There is no tention. The work days are flying by. Everything is getting done on time, people are giving each other compliments, and problems are being fixed without any yelling, guilt trips or threats. Noone is…

My supervisor is out on a leave, and the department has never been happier and more productive. He's a bossy micromanager with a short temper who's been with the company for years. He stirs up trouble over nothing, even though the job is easy, and the customers are satisfied, keep returning and keep leaving positive reviews. But there's always a problem with him. Almost all the people in the company openly dislike him for being a jerk, but since he's related to the owner, he's not going anywhere.

During his leave, the work environment has changed dramatically. It feels like I have a completely new job. Suddenly, my coworkers are smiling and working together. There is no tention. The work days are flying by. Everything is getting done on time, people are giving each other compliments, and problems are being fixed without any yelling, guilt trips or threats. Noone is threatened with getting fired. It's just perfect. I hope things stay like this until I find something else.

I am amaized at how one unhinged person can mess up the whole job.

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