
I’m being harassed at work and my boss does nothing

This is a really toxic workplace. I'm at my wits end. I love my clients, I love all my coworkers besides the one that constantly picks on me, and I like the familiarity and stability of my job. But the bullying from one coworker is getting too much. She will make jabs here and there, and it's never been a secret that she doesn't like me and actively makes my job harder for her amusement. It's made my coworkers and now my clients uncomfortable. Today, a client began asking for me, and when I went out to greet them they asked if my coworker was new. Coworker flipped out and told hers been here for ten years and I'm brand new (I've been there a year) and doesn't understand what she's talking about. It was very rude to both the client and myself, and unprofessional besides. I said nothing and…

This is a really toxic workplace. I'm at my wits end. I love my clients, I love all my coworkers besides the one that constantly picks on me, and I like the familiarity and stability of my job.

But the bullying from one coworker is getting too much. She will make jabs here and there, and it's never been a secret that she doesn't like me and actively makes my job harder for her amusement. It's made my coworkers and now my clients uncomfortable.

Today, a client began asking for me, and when I went out to greet them they asked if my coworker was new. Coworker flipped out and told hers been here for ten years and I'm brand new (I've been there a year) and doesn't understand what she's talking about. It was very rude to both the client and myself, and unprofessional besides. I said nothing and tried to discuss services, when coworker cuts me off and just talks over me. The client is just very confused at this point.

Then later in the day, I am checking out another regular client of mine. Coworker goes into the lobby area for no reason other than to stare at both me and my client and roll her eyes when I gave her a holiday card.

I'd had enough. It's one thing to pick on me in the workplace, it's another to make my clients uncomfortable.

Another coworker that has been very validating and sickened by the bullying he's seen me go through wanted to go to the boss with me today with what happened, just so he could vouch that yes, this is happening, and it's making everyone uncomfortable and it's creating a hostile work environment.

When I told my boss, I honestly just wanted to tell him it happened and to keep an eye out for it in the future. My boss not only made a huge deal out of me telling him, but kept repeating “well that's your perception and not necessarily true so I can always just check the cameras. But anyway idk what you want me to do” and then went on to berate me for…something even he couldn't explain. He kept saying I “make him mad and he can't come up to me with problems he has”

I asked him “what problems? What does this have to do with coworker?” And even the coworker who was also trying to vouch for me was confused. He could elaborate and just went back to saying he'll check the cameras but he doesn't know what I expect him to do and I should just accept the bullying if it's even happening.

When my coworker piped up that yes, it is indeed happening bc he sees it and it makes him not even want to come to work bc it's so painful to watch, my boss accused us of “being in cahoots”

I don't know what to do. Quitting is an option because my spouse was laid off. I'm so exhausted. I'm essentially the face of the business, I've built up a huge clientele and the coworker that bullies me is obviously upset about it, and I honestly can't deal with the constant harassment from coworker and gaslighting from the boss. I'm exhausted. This has genuinely affected my health, both physical and mental, and I can't afford to chance another job.

I hate that I'm financially trapped here. Why are people like this?

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