
I’m being let go because I didn’t come in for a shift when my boss wanted me too.

So to break it down, I’m an EMT at a small time company. I just started at this company, and been here for about a month. I’ve been showing up and doing my job well, until this past weekend. I was not on the schedule for this past weekend, my boss calls me up Friday asking if I want to work Saturday, I agree and say sure. Saturday comes and I’m not feeling well, so I called out. Keep in mind I have 24 hours sick time. My boss is telling me to tough through it. I’m literally around other sick people working on the ambulance so why the fuck am I going put my self around that? I simply say I can’t, and I can tell he’s upset. Sunday comes around and he calls me asking if I’m working tonight, I think I am originally and I tell him…

So to break it down, I’m an EMT at a small time company. I just started at this company, and been here for about a month. I’ve been showing up and doing my job well, until this past weekend. I was not on the schedule for this past weekend, my boss calls me up Friday asking if I want to work Saturday, I agree and say sure. Saturday comes and I’m not feeling well, so I called out. Keep in mind I have 24 hours sick time. My boss is telling me to tough through it. I’m literally around other sick people working on the ambulance so why the fuck am I going put my self around that? I simply say I can’t, and I can tell he’s upset. Sunday comes around and he calls me asking if I’m working tonight, I think I am originally and I tell him I am, but let me check. I check and it turns out I’m not on the schedule, so I’m like you know what, i’ll give myself an extra day to feel 100%, he texts me assigning me to a shift, last minute. He lets me know that I’ll be working tonight. I’m confused, because I was not on the schedule until he put me on last minute. I tell him I am not coming in, because I was originally not on the schedule, and I want to take an extra day to get better. He says he really needs me for tonight, but I simply say no, I’m not coming. He says okay, do what you have to do, but I will be talking to you this week. I say okay, thanks for understanding. Monday rolls around and he’s telling me I’m being let go. I ask him why. He says that me calling out this weekend was a problem and this isn’t working out. I explained that I have a 24 hour sick leave time, and that he just can’t put me on the schedule last minute. He say’s it doesn’t matter, and that he needed me. I tell him to please reconsider. He said he’ll have a decision by noon. I’m pretty sure this is unlawful termination.

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