
I’m burn out and I’m 25.

I can't be a mechanic anymore. The work load to make hours as flat rate is exhausting. I'm here for 10 hours a day and I'm lucky if I make half that. According to the old guys it wasn't this hard to make over 10. They say it used to be 3 cars a day would net you over 10. Now I'm doing 6 a day and not making even 8 most days. I'd have to be on drugs to make these times. I'm tired I'm looking elsewhere. A new trade one where I won't have to buy all my own tools. I've got more the 15k in tools and I still don't have all what I need. I can't keep this up for scraps. Fuck Mopar and fuck jeeps. Don't buy them there trash from the get go. Thanks for reading I'm not having a good week so need…

I can't be a mechanic anymore. The work load to make hours as flat rate is exhausting. I'm here for 10 hours a day and I'm lucky if I make half that. According to the old guys it wasn't this hard to make over 10. They say it used to be 3 cars a day would net you over 10. Now I'm doing 6 a day and not making even 8 most days. I'd have to be on drugs to make these times. I'm tired I'm looking elsewhere. A new trade one where I won't have to buy all my own tools. I've got more the 15k in tools and I still don't have all what I need. I can't keep this up for scraps. Fuck Mopar and fuck jeeps. Don't buy them there trash from the get go.

Thanks for reading I'm not having a good week so need to vent

Edit I'm so burnt out I can't spell.

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