
I’m completely demotivated (rant)

(Disclaimer: I know mine are Cadillac problems compared to many – but they're problems.) My employer mandates 3 days a week in the office. I've been getting by with 2, by claiming to be in the office on a day of the week when almost nobody else is, and not going. Yesterday I learned that they'll be logging access badge swipes, so that tactic is out. Now I'm completely demotivated. This morning, apart from attending a meeting and answering a few emails, I haven't done shit. I don't think I'll do much this afternoon either; I'm firmly in “do just enough to not get fired” mode. (Why not look for a new job? It's tempting, but here I don't have insane amounts of work, and I'm not expected to work outside 9-5.) What idiots. Thanks for reading my rant.

(Disclaimer: I know mine are Cadillac problems compared to many – but they're problems.)

My employer mandates 3 days a week in the office. I've been getting by with 2, by claiming to be in the office on a day of the week when almost nobody else is, and not going. Yesterday I learned that they'll be logging access badge swipes, so that tactic is out.

Now I'm completely demotivated. This morning, apart from attending a meeting and answering a few emails, I haven't done shit. I don't think I'll do much this afternoon either; I'm firmly in “do just enough to not get fired” mode.

(Why not look for a new job? It's tempting, but here I don't have insane amounts of work, and I'm not expected to work outside 9-5.)

What idiots.

Thanks for reading my rant.

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