
“I’m excited to work with you” “yea…I quit”

Some times companies make stupid decisions. I was working a B2B sales job, coming into this location I was the top producing sales person. Not only was I the top producer I also trained several sales people and got their numbers up as a sales person. I know my craft inside and out and I knew my team. Well my sales manager got fired (she was a horrible sales manager) So I took over as interim sales manager and for 4 months I ran that place, I made a really great hire, we had great sales, not only did we have good sales we had nice clean business. I worked with the the production side of the house to ensure the sales team was selling stuff they could delivery on. I applied for an interviewed for the sales manager and I felt I knocked it out of the park. So…

Some times companies make stupid decisions.

I was working a B2B sales job, coming into this location I was the top producing sales person. Not only was I the top producer I also trained several sales people and got their numbers up as a sales person.

I know my craft inside and out and I knew my team. Well my sales manager got fired (she was a horrible sales manager)

So I took over as interim sales manager and for 4 months I ran that place, I made a really great hire, we had great sales, not only did we have good sales we had nice clean business. I worked with the the production side of the house to ensure the sales team was selling stuff they could delivery on. I applied for an interviewed for the sales manager and I felt I knocked it out of the park.

So I came into the office and my GM calls me into his office and tells me the company decided to hire a retired Army officer because of his leadership abilities and that I'm in 2nd line behind him. I was shocked, dismayed. My GM then tells me he's going introduce me to my new boss.

So he walks me into the office I worked out for 4 months. This retired Army officer tells me how many good things he's heard about me, how he looks forward to working with me, how I am so critical to his team, and what not. He finished off with “I'm excited to work with you”

I looked him dead in the eye and said “Yea…I quit”

Both my GM and “new sales manager” where shocked, my GM asked me “What do you mean I quit” I looked at my GM and said “Today is my last day, I'm going home”

I got up, went over behind the desk where the sales manager was sitting, asked him to open the drawer took my favorite pen, my mouse pad, and my headsets and walked out the door.

The next day my GM called me “You are really quitting cause we didn't promote you?” and I said “No i'm qutting cause you hired someone underqualified to be my boss”

Took me 6 weeks to start my next job.

That experience taught me to never be loyal

I was so pissed off I didn't put in my 2 weeks notice, would have entitled me to 2 weeks of pay. Hell my VP called me and asked me to send him a two week notice email and he'd get HR to pay me for 2 weeks and I never did it.

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