
I’m frustrated with my boss.

I work as a custodian for the local school district. There are multiple schools. Elementary, middle and high school. We all have the same boss. The job is what it is, we all accept it. All except the high school. I know the antiwork community might disagree on this, but it's possible to just have a bad attitude and vibe somewhere that starts with the employees. That's how it is at the high school. There are a couple of employees who are always calling off. Then the remaining employees (not unfairly) decide that they aren't going to work short staffed, so they call off too. That leaves the place so short staffed that I get pulled out of my own school and sent to their school to do all of their work, leaving my own work at my own school to fall behind. Well, that is bullshit. So I complained…

I work as a custodian for the local school district. There are multiple schools. Elementary, middle and high school. We all have the same boss. The job is what it is, we all accept it. All except the high school. I know the antiwork community might disagree on this, but it's possible to just have a bad attitude and vibe somewhere that starts with the employees. That's how it is at the high school. There are a couple of employees who are always calling off. Then the remaining employees (not unfairly) decide that they aren't going to work short staffed, so they call off too. That leaves the place so short staffed that I get pulled out of my own school and sent to their school to do all of their work, leaving my own work at my own school to fall behind. Well, that is bullshit. So I complained about it. I told my boss it was unfair, and that he should deal with the attendance problem there since I'm the one getting fucked in the end. Somehow, I'm the one with the attitude problem for not being a team player. So now every time I get sent over there I do almost absolutely nothing. We're talking bare minimum. I make sure there's enough toilet paper for everyone to wipe their asses with but that's about it. I sit on my ass the rest of the time. It's not really making me any friends with the remaining staff who DID show up, but I tell them to do the same. I tell them that if they want a staffing and attendance problem addressed, then stop making it easy for the supervisor to ignore. At the end of the day, as long as an absence is getting covered and the work is getting done, then supervisors just don't give a shit about how inconvenient it was for everyone. So… Stop getting the work done. I do as little as possible to cover the work of the fuckheads who called off every other day. I make sure a lot of it is just waiting for them when they come back. Hopefully that will push them to quit or to work on their attendance if they're just going to have to pay double for it when they come back. That days work, plus yesterday's unfinished work. They can complain about me all they want. I'm through playing the part of the solid dependable employee whose hard work is rewarded with more hard work.

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