
im genz hr – i really want equality and the best for employees. will i ever find a company who supports this?

i went to college for hr and work in it entry-level now. i really enjoy the job duties and different roles ive had so far. i see myself wanting to stay in hr or hr adjacent roles and work up to business leadership. BUT “hr is never on your side” im learning this is true, and i am STRUGGLING. i have issues i wish i could bring up to hr, but that would mean my direct boss – so i keep quiet. i want so badly to work for a company that actually cares about equality, work life balance, good! fair!! pay, and the overall good of their employees. problem is, all companies advertise like that externally, only once you get exposure to the “inner circle” do you see how terribly unfair the inequality really is. specifically around pay. seeing internally how low people are paid, how high the top…

i went to college for hr and work in it entry-level now. i really enjoy the job duties and different roles ive had so far. i see myself wanting to stay in hr or hr adjacent roles and work up to business leadership.


“hr is never on your side” im learning this is true, and i am STRUGGLING. i have issues i wish i could bring up to hr, but that would mean my direct boss – so i keep quiet. i want so badly to work for a company that actually cares about equality, work life balance, good! fair!! pay, and the overall good of their employees. problem is, all companies advertise like that externally, only once you get exposure to the “inner circle” do you see how terribly unfair the inequality really is. specifically around pay. seeing internally how low people are paid, how high the top is paid, and how much the business profits fills me with so much anger.

i don’t know where to go from here. clearly i dont agree with my current company, which sucks because i really really enjoy my role – i feel like i got direct exposure into the political unfairness of business way too young into my career. obviously this market is challenging. i have personal variables that also make it more difficult to start a new job now.

can i somehow start my own business around this idea of doing things the right way? or bringing power back to employees? like the app fishbowl for example. i don’t know much about unions, thinking maybe i should learn, maybe i could work closer to that side of labor relations. BUT im nervous! being an activist in this sense in my field feels like shooting myself in the foot for any future professional opportunities or livelihood. how do i go about job searching and find a place that actually cares to do whats right?

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