
I’m going to ask for a raise tomorrow after working 4 days.

I work as a chef. I have prior experience at this company, about 3 years on and off. I have experience in FOH and BOH. I was hired again recently to help out my friend, who I referred when we were in high school like 7 years ago. He is the ASM. I have a college degree, currently a grad student, and only really did this to help out my boy and have some extra money to pay tuition. Today, I find out a new guy who is only a kitchen aid (sides and washing dishes) is making a higher hourly than me. I understand this is common, however, I also was JUST hired less than 3 weeks ago, this guy being hired less than a week ago. I also DID ask for a higher pay than what I ultimately accepted, which was still less than what this new guy…

I work as a chef. I have prior experience at this company, about 3 years on and off. I have experience in FOH and BOH. I was hired again recently to help out my friend, who I referred when we were in high school like 7 years ago. He is the ASM. I have a college degree, currently a grad student, and only really did this to help out my boy and have some extra money to pay tuition.

Today, I find out a new guy who is only a kitchen aid (sides and washing dishes) is making a higher hourly than me. I understand this is common, however, I also was JUST hired less than 3 weeks ago, this guy being hired less than a week ago. I also DID ask for a higher pay than what I ultimately accepted, which was still less than what this new guy makes. Gonna ask the district manager for a 17% increase on my hourly tomorrow, or tomorrow is my 5th and last shift. It doesn't help that they outsourced a GM, also recently hired, who is an utter fool and completely inept and not properly trained, to the point where I can confidently say I can run the store better (I actually do have management experience, not talking out of my ass).

I guess just wishing for some luck. Job is chill and close to home, but as a matter of principle I can't work for a company that does this, or at least one that does it where I actually find out about it.

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