
I’m going to be fired soon, I need advice

It's a very long story but I did really well at this job for about a year and a half, got transferred and something I had no experience doing was suddenly my primary responsibility. I suck at it. There are of course solutions but they require investing in me and I'm replacable so they're just going to fire me, probably at my next performance review. I've already been warned. I kind of have legal recourse in that my warning referred to a late report that was late because I took medical leave for a disability protected by the ADA. But they've been case building and it's an at will state and I don't have much money to fight. Let me put this all on the table. I will not go back to a homeless shelter. I am considering sex work or unaliving. Does anyone know any immediate legit remote online…

It's a very long story but I did really well at this job for about a year and a half, got transferred and something I had no experience doing was suddenly my primary responsibility. I suck at it. There are of course solutions but they require investing in me and I'm replacable so they're just going to fire me, probably at my next performance review. I've already been warned.

I kind of have legal recourse in that my warning referred to a late report that was late because I took medical leave for a disability protected by the ADA. But they've been case building and it's an at will state and I don't have much money to fight.

Let me put this all on the table. I will not go back to a homeless shelter. I am considering sex work or unaliving. Does anyone know any immediate legit remote online work that pays in the realm of $14-$20 an hour and if so please dm. If you are in MI do you need someone to house or pet sit or do some bs for a bit of side money before I get the axe. This is a desperate situation. Don't tell me about taking fucking surveys for $5 in gift cards. This is survival time. Tbh if you want seggs for $ and you're local we can talk, I'm not joking.

I hate it here and I wish I was not on the top side of the ground because of corporate America. I am a destroyed person. I can't do this anymore. I can't spend my life jumping from job to job of managed by sociopaths who don't want to do harm so much as they don't give a single fuck that they destroy lives. I don't want to be in this world anymore. I'm done.

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